The SRMS Journal of Medical Sciences (SRMSJMS) is a biomedical journal with national circulation.
It publishes original communications of biomedical research that advances or illuminates medical
science or that educates the journal readers. It is issued six-monthly, in two volumes per year.

Manuscripts dealing with clinical aspects will be considered for publication, provided they contain
results of original investigations. Articles need to be of general interest - e.g., they cross the boundaries
of specialities or are of sufficient novelty and importance that the journal's readers, whatever their
speciality, should be made aware of the findings. Research papers reporting original research, review
articles, correspondence on published articles will also be considered. Papers of routine nature which are
merely records of interesting cases as also those dealing with modifications of routine methodology will
not be encouraged.

Author Fee

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research is an open access journal, and then Author submission, as well as article processing and publishing, is free of charge.

Readers can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge.